
Meet the ISI Dublin HIgh School Programme team. We have won the prestigious Study Travel English  Language School Europe Award four times – 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020/21. As a team we  are dedicated to being the best in everything we do.

Gregory Ledgard-Hoile
Gregory Ledgard-Hoile

Prior to joining ISI Dublin, Greg has held a number of senior positions in the international education industry including roles at board level in the UK, USA, China, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland. Greg was educated at London College of Printing and London University, where he studied History of Art. After qualifying as an English language teacher in 1992, Greg started his own school in Italy, returning to the UK each year to run summer schools. Since then, he has gained extensive experience of large-scale operations in English language teaching for adults and young learners, preschool education, vocational training, K-12 schools, teacher training and educational publishing. Greg is Chair of Governors at Chipping Norton School in Oxfordshire.

Jennifer Diaz Green
School Director
Jennifer Diaz Green

Jen Diaz Green has been involved in ELT education for over 20 years in both Argentina and Ireland. She has a Degree in English Language Teaching from Argentina and a Master’s Degree in Education from Trinity College Dublin. She’s been an EFL teacher, an Academic Manager, a Teacher Trainer and most recently School Director. She’s in charge of quality standards, operational effectiveness and leadership in the company. Her favourite parts of her job are team building, human connections and wellbeing. In her free time, Jen is a busy mum of 2. She loves nice veggie food and yoga.

Sarah McGovern
High School Programme Manager
Sarah McGovern

Sarah, 2016'dan beri ISI'de Lise programında çalışmaktadır. Bundan önce, Dublin City Üniversitesi'nden Uygulamalı Diller ve Çeviri Çalışmaları bölümünden mezun olmuştur. Sarah, öğreniminin bir parçası olarak, üniversiteye gittiği Fransa'nın güneyinde bir Erasmus yılı geçirmiştir. DCU'daki eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra bir akademik yılını yine Fransa'da lise öğrencilerine İngilizce öğreterek geçirmiştir. Daha sonra Kanada, Vancouver'da yaşamak ve çalışmak için iki yıl kalmıştır. Sarah'nın hem dil hem de seyahat tutkusu vardır ve her zaman ziyaret edeceği bir sonraki ülkeyi aramaktadır! ISI'deki ekiple çalışmayı ve her yıl harika gençleri Lise Programına davet etme fırsatına sahip olmayı seviyor. Devamını oku

Maebh Cotter
Lise Program Koordinatörü
Maebh Cotter

Maebh graduated from Dublin City University with a bachelor’s degree in education and training. She also has a higher diploma in human resource management from Dublin Business School. Maebh worked in real estate for over 8 years, but prior to that she worked as a special needs assistant in a high school and worked with younger children on a one-to-one basis. Maebh has a love of cats, with her two cats named after her favourite Disney movie The Lion King – Nala and Simba. In Maebh’s spare time she loves going to the gym, cycling, hiking, and watching her favourite football team Liverpool FC. Maebh’s main passion in life is travel, with her having been to over 35 countries and counting!