High School Programme end of year party

Its that time of year again where we have to say goodbye to you all.

Some of you have been with us all year, some 6 months and some just 8 weeks.

I know that at the beginning of the programme there was a lot of homesickness, and it was hard to settle into a whole new world, host family, school, friends, food and weather (will you ever forget the rain ??)

Slowly but surely, you did it!!

You found your tribe and made it work for you, you even managed to navigate our notorious public transport system. We all have a love/hate relationship with Dublin Bus.

You got out there sightseeing in all corners of Ireland and documented it in pictures that will act as a wonderful reminder of the people and places that became part of your life here.

Regardless of the length of time you have spent in Ireland with ISI we hope that you have enjoyed yourselves, improved your English, made friends and created memories that will last a lifetime.

It was a pleasure to see you do what you came here to do, grow in confidence, mature and have the ability to hold a conversation with anyone in English.

We would love you to go back to your countries and tell anyone who is willing to listen to the benefits of studying abroad, the difference it will make , not just your language skills but to you as a person.

Thanks for all your participation, showing up for English classes/ events and engaging with your peers. The world is your oyster now, go out there and grab all the wonderful opportunities that await you and maybe some day come back to visit us.

We really enjoyed being your coordinators.

Slan Agus Beannacht
Michelle, Maebh and Jessica