Goodbye October and hello November 😊

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely and well-deserved break this week. While some of you returned home to your home countries to catch up with friends and family, most of you stayed and took part in the ISI social program. Others had their parents come visit, so all and all you have all been busy 😊

We really got lucky with the weather also as you’ll see in some of this week’s photos. The sun has been shing, the leaves have been falling, and the crisp air makes it a perfect end to the autumn.

This week we started with a trip to St Michan’s Crypt, where you all got to experience Dublin’s spooky and haunted side. Next up was a trip to Blarney Castle and Cork City so it was a nice way to get away from the hustle and bustle of Dublin. Blarney Castle the student’s got the chance to kiss the famous Blarney stone and learned all about the family history.

Then after visiting the stone and the fabulous gardens, we then made our way to explore Ireland’s second biggest City Cork. It was a long day of travel, but I’m delighted everyone enjoyed themselves and had fun 😊

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your break, have a great weekend, and enjoy every minute, as before you know it, it will be Christmas 😊

Here is a collection of photos that the students gathered during the midterm break.

Enjoy, from all of us here on the high school team.

Bruna, Jessica, Maebh and Sarah