Jule’s experience as part of the High School Programme in Ireland.


We caught up with Jule Mahle, a high school student at St. Mary’s Secondary School in Baldoyle. St. Mary’s is a prestigious girls’ school located in Baldoyle, a seaside suburb in North Dublin. This charming residential area is approximately 25 minutes from the city centre by bus or train. Jule shared her experiences and reflections on her time in Ireland with us.

Jule Mahle
St Mary‘s Secondary School in Baldoyle

1. What tips would you give to international students considering studying in Ireland?

The best way to have a great year is to find friends. At first, it‘s a little bit difficult but you have to go to other people and talk with them. They are all really open and very nice. If you have a question then just go to the teachers, they will help you with everything. In the beginning, you will be probably a little bit homesick that‘s why you can make a list of what you want to visit in Ireland and then you can go to different places every weekend.

2. Can you share a memorable interaction with Irish students that made you feel more connected to the community and your school?

It wasn‘t just one moment but just ask them some things about typical Irish things, then you can tell them about your country and my Irish friends are interested in it.

3. What subject or class do you enjoy the most and find most interesting?

Drama and English. In Drama, I had the most fun ever. I got there really close with other students. We played there a lot of friends and additionally, I could be myself. Furthermore English was one of the best subjects because I could improve my English and I could see how good I really am. The teacher could really help me with that and I learned a lot of good new words when the students read their interpretations in front of the whole class.

4. What clubs and extracurricular activities does your school offer for students to participate in?

They have got a rugby team, which is really good and you could also come and cook after school( we had a lesson in cooking too but after school, you could come to an extra course).

5. How have engaging in these activities enhanced your overall experience?

I found a lot more friends and I learned that you need to talk to everyone. With that, my English improved too.

6. What aspect of ISI Dublin’s High School programme do you value the most?

We have an English lesson every Wednesday. That was a really good lesson because you could meet people from different countries who are in the same situation.

7. Did you feel well-supported by the coordinator at ISI Dublin throughout your time there?

My coordinator was really good, she was always there for me and for example, she found a football club for me.

8. Can you tell us about your experience with your host family during your stay?

I was really lucky with my host family. At first, she needed to trust me and then everything was fine. She was there for me when I was homesick or when I was lost and didn‘t know where to go. An important thing is that you always have to talk to your host family. They just want the best for you.

9. What advice would you offer to someone considering studying in Ireland?

Don‘t have too high expectations and you have to talk to other people because they have their friends there and don‘t need you so you have to talk to them.

10. How have you immersed yourself in Irish culture beyond your studies?

I tried everything and I think it‘s easy because your host family most cooks Irish food. Another thing was that I asked my classmates about typical Irish food. They helped me and told me about some things.

11. Have you had the chance to improve your English proficiency while studying in Ireland?

I improved it a lot because I was in training and one really good thing was that I didn‘t have people from my country in my school. One really important thing is that you have to find people from a different country. I saw a lot of people talking in their own language but I think that you‘re not here to talk your own language. You‘re here to talk English.

12. What are some of your preferred places to visit or activities to engage in during your leisure time in Ireland?

The best thing I visited was Bray. it was like a dream. It‘s so beautiful and there‘s also the most beautiful beach.

13. How does your school assist international students academically, particularly those adjusting to a different educational system?

On the first day, the principal brought me to two girls, who should have an eye for me. They were really nice and helped me to find my lessons.

14. How have you coped with the weather in Ireland, especially if it’s different from your home country?

It was raining a lot but when you‘re there you learn to live with it. But I think it‘s a good idea to look at how the weather is in the country you‘re doing your exchange year to bring good clothes for the weather.

15. What strategies have you employed to form friendships and acquaintances both within and outside of your school?

For me it was really easy I found a lot of friends on the first day, I just talked to them and asked if we could meet again.

16. Have you sampled any traditional Irish dishes or explored the local food scene? What are your favorites?

My favorite dish is the Irish spiced bag. You can buy it at any Chinese takeaway. The Irish people also eat a lot of potatoes which is really good.

17. How does your school prioritize the well-being of its students, including access to healthcare services?

The teacher always asked me how I was getting on and helped me in any way. For example, he helped me find my work experience in a flower shop.

18. Do you envision staying in Ireland after completing your studies, or do you plan to return to your home country? What factors influence your decision?

I will return to my home country because my year will be over but I will come back one day in my life. A big point for returning is my family. I miss them.

19. What would you say to someone who’s considering studying in Ireland?

I would say that‘s one of the best decisions because it will become a big part of your life. You will also grow with that experience and learn how to get on on your own.

We hope Jule’s feedback has been helpful to you!

Please find the gallery below shared by Jule.