St. Neasain’s Community School

State School - Mixed - 708 Students - Host Family - Full year only.

Also know in Gaelic as “Pobalscoil Neasáin”, Neasain’s is a leading community school located in Baldoyle, North Dublin, and was founded in 1979. With 729 students, the school prides itself on providing a holistic approach to education and meeting the needs of all students.

St. Neasain’s Community School

Baldoyle is a residential seaside suburb of north Dublin, approximately 20 minutes from the city centre by bus or train.


Library, Canteen, Music Room, Art Room, Science Labs, Computer Suite, Basketball Court, Tennis Court, Sports Fields, Hockey Pitch.


English, Mathematics, German, Geography, Biology, Computers, Careers, Engineering, History, Physics, Accounting, Home Economics, Physical Education.


Soccer, Basketball, Badminton, Rugby, Athletics, Gaelic football, Hurling, Debating, Art Club, Music & Drama, Charity Work.

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