Secondary school in Ireland: Mid Term break

Secondary school in Ireland: Mid Term break

Secondary schools in Dublin

Hi Everyone,

Can you believe it’s Mid-term break already of your Teenager programme Ireland??

I hope you have signed up for our midterm program, it’s a great chance to see and do some touristy things with your ISI family. However In your free time, I have put together a list of some must-see places around Dublin, make sure to get out and about with some friends and as always take some awesome photographs for us to include in next month’s Newsletter

Secondary schools in Dublin

So do a checklist and visit some of the below :
Dublin castle / Chester Beatty Library / GPO Museum

National Gallery of Ireland / Kilmainham Gaol Natural History Museum

Little museum of Dublin / Malahide Castle / Epic Irish emigration museum

Irish Museum of Modern Art / Wax Museum / Collins Barracks Dublinia

There is also an really nice Photography Exhibition running at the Windmill quarter in the docklands,it’s worth visiting and like a lot of the above it’s free.
If you are looking for some nice scenery shots check out.

  1. Phoenix Park
  2.  Howth, Skerries
  3. Dolly Mount Beach 
  4. Sandymount Beach
  5. The North Wall 
  6. Dun Laoghaire 
  7. Sandycove 
  8. Bray 
  9. Greystones 
  10. Wicklow

The most important thing is to make the best of your time, there is so much to see and do so don’t miss out!
Looking forward to hearing all about your Irish adventures….. And seeing the photographs!!!

The HSP team

Michelle, Maebh, Bruna and Jessica

P.S Thanks to Niklas Kahlert Amelie Schmidt for the lovely pictures this week