Emanuele’s Experience As Part Of The High School Programme In Ireland.

Street view taken by Emanuele
Street view taken by Emanuele

We recently caught up with high school student Emanuele Iaccarino from Italy. Emanuele is studying at Marian College, which is a boy’s secondary school located in Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, founded by the Marist Brothers in 1954. Here is what Emanuele has to say about his time in Ireland.

Emanuele  laccarino
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1. What tips would you give to international students considering studying in Ireland?

1) visiting a lot of places
2) Make friends either Irish and other countries
3) Do not be scared about Irish, because it is not mandatory

2. Can you share a memorable interaction with Irish students that made you feel more connected to the community and your school?

A lot of moments were very funny  (I cannot choose one) Irish people are very open to international students and they always help you when you need them.

3. What subject or class do you enjoy the most and find most interesting?

History, because we studied the Irish history, that in Italy obviously I won’t do. And also was very interesting biology because we did a lot of experiments.

4. How has engaging in these activities enhanced your overall experience?

7/10 it was very important to improve my English and survival skills (staying without my parents). I did a lot of beautiful experiences but maybe the school could be more helpful to sponsor her clubs.

5. What aspect of ISI Dublin’s High School programme do you value the most?

The help that my coordinator gave me.

7. Did you feel well-supported by the coordinator at ISI Dublin throughout your time there?

Yes, always she does.

8. Can you tell us about your experience with your host family during your stay?

My host is very nice and she helps me every time and she is very talkative with me. She helps me to improve my English and she allows me to do a lot of things.

9. What advice would you offer to someone considering studying in Ireland?

1) Create a lot of friends
2) Study to pass all the tests

10. How have you immersed yourself in Irish culture beyond your studies?

A lot, because I’ve spoken with a lot of Irish people, young and elderly people. Also studying Irish history I learned more about this culture.

11. Have you had the chance to improve your English proficiency while studying in Ireland?

Yes, of course, I spoke a lot with my schoolmates and teachers and obviously with my host.

12. What are some of your preferred places to visit or activities to engage in during your leisure time in Ireland?

Dublin, in particular Grafton Street and Temple Bar( after dinner is better). But also the Quay Street in Galway. That is a Lovely city.

13. How does your school assist international students academically, particularly those adjusting to a different educational system?

Yes, in fact the secretary helped me to stamp my tests and also was always open to help me for any problems.

14. How have you coped with the weather in Ireland, especially if it’s different from your home country?

The weather in Ireland is very different from Italy, in fact one day snowed. And also the temperature is lower than my country, but it’s easy to endure.

15. What strategies have you employed to form friendships and acquaintances both within and outside of your school?

Demanding helping for homework or just in PE talking with team mates during the match.

16. Have you sampled any traditional Irish dishes or explored the local food scene? What are your favourites?

The fish and chips in “Leo Burdock pub” and also the Irish stew in Guinness store house with my parents.

17. How does your school prioritize the well-being of its students, including access to healthcare services?

Yes, she does.

18. Do you envision staying in Ireland after completing your studies, or do you plan to return to your home country? What factors influence your decision?

I want to visit all the Ireland in future and may working in Google. I would like work in Ireland for the behalf in the cities and also for the highest GDP pro capite in EU.

19. What would you say to someone who’s considering studying in Ireland?

To decide to go immediately because is very cosy with international students.

20. Your comments

I’m very happy to be in Ireland, because it’s the best place for young international students. It’s not busy like England and also you can stay in a metropolis like Dublin that is a city on a human scale.

We hope Emanuele’s feedback has been helpful to you!  You can also find the experience of our Spanish student Catalina that we shared on our last blog.

Please find the gallery below shared by Emanuele.